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Is it normal for the mocha coffee pot to make noises when brewing coffee?


The moka coffee maker will make some noise when brewing coffee, this is normal. If the sound is too loud or persists for too long, you may need to check the seals or installation for correctness.

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Is it normal for a mocha coffee pot to make noises when brewing coffee?


Yes, Moka pots make some noise when brewing coffee, which is caused by the pressure and heat created by the water vapor passing through the coffee grounds. This sound is usually normal and should not be a problem. But if the sound is too loud or lasts for too long, you may need to check the installation of the Moka pot or replace parts such as seals.


What is the ratio of coffee to water in a mocha coffee pot?

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Generally speaking, the ratio of coffee brewed by a moka coffee maker is 1:1, that is, 1 cup of water plus 1 cup of ground coffee powder. Of course, this ratio can be adjusted appropriately according to personal taste. If the coffee is too strong or too weak, you can use more or less ground coffee or water. In addition, the ratio should be adjusted according to the size of the moka coffee pot used to avoid overflowing of coffee foam.


Yes, the less water the moka coffee maker brews, the stronger the coffee. Generally speaking, the ratio of using a moka coffee maker to make coffee is one part coffee powder and two parts water. That is, making a cup of coffee requires about 14 grams of coffee powder and 30 ml of water. Of course, the specific ratio needs to be determined according to personal taste. You can adjust the ratio of water and coffee appropriately according to your own preferences.